Things haven’t been the same ever since I met you
Lives, what I call a mess
Each day passes I hallucinate so real it in turns reality
Tears i have cried
Songs that I have sang
A better happy ever after I still fantasize
But the sole agent of my life just stood back and smiled
When He could read my thoughts
Things have never been ever since the day I missed your call
Got carried away in the illusion of the month
The life turbulence change my course
Sometimes I sit back and reminisce of how much we could have archived or how long could we have been
But the race of life awaits no one
Am left with more regrets to cuddle than headaches to foster for a life time after the doctors report
Things haven’t been the same since you left
Small dreams like mustards moving mountains as big as Everest
At times I retire to my trench and ask myself if it was truly reality
But the chains which bond my focus and detained my sanity had broken loose
For a moment I stood like a horse in the stable as I observed one of Newtons laws of motion
Things have never been the same since I met you
I now build physical sky scrapers and all I need to get there is just a jet pack
Life now making more sense and impossible dreams becoming reality
All that stood between today and yesterday was a gimps into survivals porch room
And a strong still mind which will not respond to the heats of time
Piping through the vent of other peoples lives
I realize there is more to living than an academic award or a good spot at societies food chain
It giving your life a purpose
And the only way to find that is the way back to the creator
Things have never been the same since I found you
Am glad I did
For the 1&2 check my facebook wall David trey