Graduation Day by Trey David Battels of a young man... hard core poetry


It started out four years ago
Got a call from Big sis you just got added to school statistic
Sometimes I flash back juggling in memory with thoughts those where the best days of my life
My life a tale of struggles just got an add to these institution
And for the first time in my life I felt a challenge by what I really knew wasn’t retribution
Wise words ‘never come last’
Those were the last words my mum said to me just before I took off the bus park

Years gone by I got scrutinized by the system because life best things don’t come easy except a ‘carry over’
So I took for granted nothing
Understanding the understandables and cramming the crammables
Exercising my minds muscles with two separate dumbbells the Bible and the book
Sometimes I got really tired of the weight
When my thought rates get over clouded by what I felt was leaving responsibility to the cold hands of jeopardy ‘flexing’
But the words sown in my heart were not just seeds but endosperms that would latter blossom

Times gone
Its graduation day but it still seems like just yesterday
Big dreams turned small and smaller dreams grown bigger
Successful is how I feel but these ain’t the destination yet
Like death life must have to continue
So as I turned on a new phase of life
I pray for foresight and the strength to carry on new weight lift not with ease but with grace
With more strength and grow bigger muscles bigger than PASTOR DAN’S
Drums roll its GRADUATION DAY
More said, more heard but a little understood
Wise words never come last
Mums words still linger on the cold street of my heart
It’s a graduation day into a new phase.


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