What is really BAPTISM in the Christian faith?


Baptism is a Greek word meaning to dip or immerse, baptism in water is the introductory ordinance of the gospel and must be followed by baptism of the holy spirit in order to be complete, as one of the ordinances of the gospel it is associated with faith in Jesus Christ, repentance and laying of hands for the gift of the holy spirit. Baptism has always been practiced whenever the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached on earth and has been taught by men holding the holy priesthood who can administer the ordinances. The book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ shows that baptism was taught and practiced long ago before the coming to Jesus Christ (2Nephi 31, Mosia18:8-17). In the New Testament Paul speaks of the children of Israel being baptized by Moses in the cloud and in the sea (1Corinthians 10:1-4).
Baptism symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection and can only be done by immersion, it is clear because john the Baptist and Philip did it in this same manner (mat3:16, acts8:37-39, rom6:1-6, colosians2:12).
Baptism is not optional if one wishes the fullness of salvation. Jesus said a person must be born of water and of the spirit (john3:3-5), when He sent the twelve apostles forth to teach the gospel he told them that whosoever belief and is baptized would be saved, and who so ever did not belief d is dammed (mark16:16). Jesus Christ himself was baptized to fulfill all righteousness (mat3:15, 2Nephi 31:4-11) but the Pharisees being unwilling to accept the gospel rejected the counsel of GOD against themselves being not baptized (luke7:30)
Baptism in water has several purposes.
It is for the remission of sins

And for the entrance into the celestial kingdom(heaven)

It is also a doorway to personal sanctification then followed by the caption of the Holy Spirit.
The age requirement for baptism is clear stated in the bible in 1peter 3:18-21, although it is evident that candidates were to be old enough to be capable of belief and have some sense of understanding. Baptism is a most sacred ordinance, which a person having received it can remember throughout life as a reminder of his or her personal commitment to the savior Jesus Christ.

Written by Samuel James kamara (sierra leone, freetown) and David T.Buter(Nigeria, Benue state) and edited by David Trey. Tinnytrey2017 publication


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