Battles of a young man growing 10 by kool Jones

Battles of a young man growing 10
           My Story by kool Jones

So Here it Begins

It is terrifying for me still in the growing process, more especially in this part of the world precisely Nigeria. Nigeria as one of the most diverse countries in Africa based on ethnicity and culture.
   I personally grew up in the  suburbs with just little to eat and all I could think of is play play and play yet very hopeful

The truth is no matter the situation, Nigerians believe they will survive. This never say die attitude has really helped me to adjust to life in this country of ours. Facing systemic and even institutional modern day slavery, myself and possibly likes minds will get by at the end mainly because of this attitude of never giving up,  and always looking for the best in every bad situation no matter the magnitude of the adversity. Trust me, you can call it resilience, determination or self-will.

We are faced with a system that makes it impossible for us to have a free flowing higher studies, to save money, to keep loved ones happy, to buy home and so forth. I often think of what other options we have left,
Should I leave the country?
It is hard to think of a country in Africa where young people are not fed up.

I tell you that many young people i know are desperate to leave the country but couldn't move anywhere because of poverty that limits us,
“In that note our heads are no longer here. We have little or no hope in the country. That only increases the rate of drunkenness and gangsterism.

There’s no doubt this generation needs more leaders to believe in. There will have to be men and women who give young people reasons to think they can realise their dreams — at home, not on the far side of life.

Yet they say youths are leaders of tomorrow. This is not a misplaced or wistful thinking as this class of energetic citizens posses enormous and multi dimensional talents, powers and creative abilities which if moulded and harnessed in a fit and proper atmosphere, can translate to generational wellbeing in the social, political and economic life of the society.

Like my Dad will tell me about  undergraduates of his time who had jobs waiting for them while they were still pursuing their studies in the higher institutions and vacation jobs were also at the beck and call of the youthful and energetic Nigerians.
Today, the story is unfortunately no longer the same as the youths, unlike their counter parts in the days of yore, have come under severe encumbrances which if not tackled would continue to make the concept of youths as future leaders nothing but a nightmarish and wishful thinking. And when our beloved country has given the lazy youth a compulsory responsibility to carry out a duty meant for professionals,

  The Young Man's Battles Increases. First time I traveled core North, first time I lived with Muslims, simple set of people i must say, people who share common ideology and morals. People who are enculturated, living life deeply under their immerse. Nothing shapes them.

Adapting to settle down is a must, so I was compelled by the saying, "Youths are the leaders of tomorrow.
A community of only one Christian worship center. Some of my colleagues will disagree with me but the truth is, we always live in fear whenever we are gathered to worship.

The local church and few good people will talk you into believing that God has a purpose for you right where you were sent to, due to stories we've heard about the place.
Men will always tell the glory of God which is very encouraging as Christians, but as much as you keep seeing reasons why the place you are is where God has destined you to be, is the more your dreams turns nightmarish.

Here lies the reality of the matter

At this point it's no longer God shaping my life but environment and FG.
We shouldn't be deceived, It's common as God will design people who give others hope and reason to live life anywhere any situation.

At least one or two persons will possibly show you love no matter how harsh any environment could be, but the ability to detect the limit and type of love shown to you is the key issue.
Prior to this I have asked myself series of questions like what destiny is? Who designs destinies? And finally what is grace? If I believe God to be God of All.

Trying to answer these questions I became aware of God's awesomeness and his perfect wisdom. I understood that God has meant so well for all human kind. As events went by it occur to me that individuals like you and I has a vital role to play in moulding our own personalities..

I was a class room teacher taking twelve classes both English and Agric science.
After teaching for a whole lot of time a student will stand up to say he/she has no understanding of what i have been teaching��, it's normal in a learning environment but how would a mere corp member who barely understand what age and age behavior means in education.

So what becomes of my students when am just a graduate who know nothing about lesson note, curriculum and schedule, whom had spent six years trying to study a four-year degree course because of  strikes and bureaucracy. And when few good people showed me love
I was tempted to ask God if truly he has designed that particular environment for me! Forgetting the super dope dreams I had.

It's crazy listening to myself reminisce

Not knowing that i was only loved out of condition since individuals of likes mind were few!
Not knowing that its just a bend and won't last forever!
Not knowing  its just a process of becoming a personality!

There is the end of Today's chapter
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